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Preserve Your Family Legacy with Family App

- Time Capsules for Departed Loved Ones
- Living Archives for Future Generations
- Your Online Family Memory Collection


A Dignitrees Digital Park

Your family’s Family App starts with your Digital Tree, where you share the stories, advice, answers, and messages of love for your family.  Family App guides you through the process of building a rich archive of family memories which your loved ones will value forever.  

Over time, your children, grandchildren, and future generations will connect with your Family App with Digital Trees of their own.

Explore the Features

The Dignitrees Family App allows you to stay connected with family and friends.



Complete a simple profile and choose your Plan. Connect with your Dignitrees Park Tree if you have one.



Upload or record memories, stories, advice, and more with photos, videos, and voice recordings.



Share with family and invite friends to collaborate.

Memories Live Forever

What would you give for just five minutes with someone you’ve lost? We all have those we miss, to whom we long to connect.  Capture the memories forever, for your children, grandchildren, and the generations to follow.  Give them the connection they’ll treasure forever.
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Reserve Your Place Today

Be among the first to join Family App by signing up now.